Ramchander, Navin2013-10-102013-10-102013-10-10http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/13231MBA thesisThe business environment is dynamic, and companies face many pressures that include the constant threat of competitors, renewed pressure from shareholders, supply chain difficulties, meltdown of economic markets, and continuous fiscal policy changes - a company thus needs to ensure that its strategy is one of currency and relevancy. To remain current, companies need to reformulate strategy and increase the frequency with which they adjust the elements of their existing strategies. The purpose of this study is to analyse the factors which have an influence on the successful strategy implementation of various regions within the SABMiller group. The results of this study will provide insights into the factors that influence the success of strategy implementations in differing geographies and assist SABMiller plc. streamlining the strategy process. Data was collected via a survey questionnaire that was distributed to five Hubs within the group - South Africa, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. In total 97 responses were received. The survey consisted of a set of 16 questions informed by the Literature Research. Respondents were asked to ‘force rank’ a total of 100 points across the 15 questions. It was found that the key factors influencing strategy implementations across the SABMiller Group were ‘Senior Management Support of a strategy’, ‘a Poorly Defined strategy, and Senior Management Leadership. The factor ‘Senior Management Support of a strategy’ appears as the top ranked factor for 4 out of the 5 Hubs (except for Europe where it is ranked the 2nd highest).enStrategy implementationStrategic planningThe factors influencing successful strategy implementation across the regions within SABMillerThesis