Fleischmann, Anthony Henri.2018-04-202018-04-201995https://hdl.handle.net/10539/24383Dissertation submitted to the faculty of Engineeung, University if the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering.This dissertation deals with alloys containing between 0.2 and 9.5wt%, carbon and between 3.2 and 64.3wt% vanadium with the balance iron. Alloys were produced by induction melting and followed by remelting in vacuum tungsten arc furnaces. No heat-treatment was performed, as the aim was to identify useful alloys that may be applied by hardfacing techniques in the field. The requirement of post weld heat-treatment would greatly limi~ the use af hardfacing alloys. TIle experimental techniques aimed at characterising the alloys included X-ray diffraction analyses, Mosshauer Spectroscopy, optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and chemical analyses white density measurements, hardness tests and 2 and 3 -body abrasion test gave the material properties. (Abbreviation abstract)enIron alloys.The manufacture and investigation of abrasion resistant Fe-V-C alloys.Thesis