Everatt, DavidGotz, GraemePhakathi, SizweMakgetla, Neva2009-092009-092009-09978-0-620-47799-4http://hdl.handle.net/10539/17324September 2009The Gauteng Provincial Government Department of Economic Department (GPGDED) approached the Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO) to provide them with a fast turn-around report that benchmarks sub-national responses to the economic crisis globally. The brief was to provide a review of what cities and regions are doing in response to the crisis in other parts of the world, and to emphasise the action side of the story – what is being done, rather than analysing the differing nature and impact of the crisis in different places.The report is filled not so much with specific recommendations as a suite of possible interventions that the Gauteng Provincial Government may wish to choose from and implement.encities,regions,GCRO,recessionBenchmarking the way cities and regions around the world are responding to the global recessionOther