Niemack, Auriel2011-09-202011-09-202011-09-20 research evaluates the effectiveness of the climate change regime within South Africa, focusing on the implementation of the Flexible Mechanisms of the United Nations Kyoto Protocol. The two flexible mechanisms are the Clean Development Mechanism and Emissions Trading. Regime effectiveness is the dominant analytical approach to understanding and evaluating the effectiveness of international environmental agreements. Various methods of evaluating regime effectiveness have emerged in the past two-three decades, and this research adapts these methods to the South African context. Regime effectiveness as an approach is used to inform the inputs of institutional design, as well as regular reviewing and changes of the institutional design. This in turn influences a state’s stance on international cooperation in a given issue-area. The problems, successes and weaknesses that emerge from the South African CDM project case-studies are evaluated against the adapted framework for domestic regime effectiveness, and the findings and recommendations presented in the concluding chapter.enThe effectiveness of the clean development mechanism and emissions trading within the climate change regimeThesis