Tsheole, Rorisang Primrose2018-07-112018-07-112017https://hdl.handle.net/10539/24920A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Physiotherapy, 8 September 2017BACKGROUND: Lower back pain (LBP) due to ergonomic exposure in a work environment is wide spread in most countries and is the leading cause of disability affecting quality of life and work performance of an individual suffering from it. LBP is the most common reason for repeated medical consultation and subsequent absenteeism. It is reported that LBP is responsible for a third of work related disability disorders and it is estimated to cause 21.7 million disability adjusted life years (DALY‘s). In addition to the physical impact, lower back pain can influence psychological issues such as anxiety, depression and fear of job loss. Mining is an ancient occupation characterised by intense physical labour such as lifting, carrying, pulling and pushing heavy materials, operating heavy machinery and working in constricted environment. Despite the fact that ergonomics plays a major role in mining, the element of proper ergonomics is currently ignored or applied in a minimal scale in South African mining.LBP continues to have a high prevalence in mining industries. AIM: To profile the disability level of Impala Mine workers presenting with nonspecific lower back pain. METHODS: A cross-sectional quantitative study using a consecutive sampling method was conducted on mine workers employed at Impala platinum mine as rock drill operators (RDOs) and scraper winch operators (SWOs) aged between 20 and 60 years who had been employed in the current occupation for at least a period of one year. Interviews were conducted using the questionnaires based on Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) assessing disability levels, Who Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS II) for activity limitation and participation restriction and Who Quality of life-Bref (WHOQOL-BREF) to measure quality of life. The study received ethical approval from the University of the Witwatersrand Human Research Ethics Committee: (Medical) (Ethical clearance no.M140813). Consent was sort from participants and Impala hospitals granted permission for the study. Data was analysed using Statistica version12.5. Descriptive data was presented as frequencies expressed in percentages. The Spearman correlation test was applied to establish the association among variables. Further analysis was done by fitting bivariate and multivariate linear regression models to quantify the magnitude of relationship between age, job category, disability, activity limitation, participation restriction and quality of life. Finally data was illustrated by means of tables and a scatter graph.RESULTS: From the study sample, 44% (n=151) of the SWOs reported moderate disability while 36% (n=132) of the RDOs reported moderate disability. Results revealed that disability level was significantly associated with job category (p-value 0.04). Activity limitation level was adversely affected and showed a positive correlation with disability(r=0.831). Only a small proportion of participants reported severe participation restrictions RDOs (0. 76%) and SWOs (1. 99%). Majority of participants reported moderate to good Quality of life (QoL) with only a small proportion reporting poor QoL RDOs (4.55%) and SWOs(3.31%).The findings of the study showed no statistical difference between the two job categories in terms of activity limitation (p=0.20), participation restriction (p=0.31) and QoL (p=0.56). There was a negative correlation between QoL and disability (r=-0.536).The result of the bi-variate linear regression showed a statistical significance between age and years of service with disability (P=0.001). DISCUSSIONS: Disability due to nonspecific lower back pain (NSLBP) was significantly associated with job category, suggesting that SWOs were the category mostly affected than the RDOs. The results revealed no statistical difference between two job categories in relation to activity limitation, participation restrictions and QoL. Furthermore, the results showed a strong positive correlation between disability and activity limitation and a moderate positive correlation between disability and participation restriction while a moderate negative correlation between disability and QoL was noted. The results of the linear regression highlighted that increased age and long years of service predisposes the miners to higher levels of disability and activity limitation, resulting in difficulties with participation in work related or societal activities which subsequently leads to poor QoL. CONCLUSION: Results of the current study revealed that the majority of RDOs and SWOs presented with moderate disability due to NSLBP. This study identified that age, job category and length of service were significantly associated with the severity and functional disability of LBP among RDO‘s and SWO‘s.Activity limitation level was adversely affected among RDO‘s and SWO‘s whereas participation restriction levels and QoL levels were less affected.enLow Back PainQuality of LifeA disability profile of Impala Platinum Mine workers presenting with nonspecific lower back painThesis