Apteker, Ronnie T2016-11-022016-11-022016http://hdl.handle.net/10539/21358Personal computing is currently undergoing radical enhancements with the current technological advancements that have been made in the areas of high resolution displays, GUIs (graphic user interfaces), high quality sound and full motion video. Multimedia stands at the convergence of these technological advances. The pervasiveness of networks will result in a new generation of distributed services that include multimedia as the fundamental characteristic. The current hyper-activity in the commercial arena is testimony to the future of distributed mu1timedia services. The anticipation of the data superhighways has led to an industrial scramble filled with takeovers and acquisitions as companies battle to acquire the infrastructure that will set the scene for the services of the future. [Abbreviated Abstract. Open document to view full version]enGR 2016Multimedia systemsDynamic throughput in distributed multimediaThesis