Craig, Graham John2015-01-152015-01-152015-01-15 this project report, economic evaluation techniques and investment decision methods are studied. Their application to the gold mine residue reclamation projects of East Rand Gold and Uranium Company (Ergo), an associate of Anglo American Corporation (AAC), is considered. AAC has been active in dump reclamation since 1953 and by 1982 it was operating three plants on the Rand, namely Ergo, Simmergo and Sallies The development, by AAC and Ergo1s metallurgists, of the carbon-in~leach process created additional investment opportunities. These opportunities were economically evaluated using rate of return analysis and other methods to determine their relative merits. The economic evaluation exercises indicated which investments ought to be undertaken to maximise the profits arising from the amounts invested. Legal and other aspects influencing the decision-making process are studied, as well as the financing of the capital expenditureenAn economic evaluation of the mine dump reclamation projects consideration in the mid-1980s by East Rand Gold and Uranium CompanyThesis