James, Deborah2010-09-222010-09-221995-03-13http://hdl.handle.net/10539/8787African Studies Seminar series. Paper presented 13 March, 1995Ethnicity has been an area in which scholars of southern Africa have shown a gradually increasing interest over the last couple of decades. This interest has sharpened over the last five or six years to become a major concern, with Vail's 1989 collection, and his comprehensive introduction, as something of a watershed. More recently still, the holding of two major South African-based conferences on the topic within the last two years suggests that it has become a virtual obsession in the region.enWomen, Sotho. South Africa. Transvaal. Social conditionsRural-urban migration. South Africa. TransvaalBagagesu/those of my home: migrancy, gender and ethnicityWorking Paper