Alborough, Colleen2010-11-172010-11-172010-11-17 This research focuses on selected video installations by Minnette Vári to critically examine her exploration of the theme of journey as a means to express notions of the self. It probes the extent to which the notion of the haptic may be used to interpret the theme of journey as manifest in Vári’s work. This research draws on a particular reading of the haptic, which considers touch, movement and habitation to form key components of the haptic. The first part of this study investigates the way that specific video installations by Vári may facilitate a haptic perception. The second part of the study focuses on why Vári’s creative production may be seen as a haptic activity. Here, the relationship between sense, movement and place is identified. The manner in which the creative process may be used as a tool for selfdiscovery is also considered. The concluding chapter reflects on my own artistic production in relation to this research.enMappings of the self through the theme of journey in the video installations of Minnette VariThesis