Silverman, Simone2007-02-132007-02-132007-02-13 Number : 9707570P - M Com dissertation - School of Economic and Business Sciences - Faculty of CommerceBusiness managers have used principles of Knowledge Management to improve organisational performance by: o Identifying the knowledge that is needed to solve various problems o Acquiring the needed knowledge from sources that already have it o Creating the needed knowledge if it is not yet available o Validating the acquired or created knowledge o Retaining the validated knowledge o Destroying invalid or obsolete knowledge o Representing the knowledge in a consistent, easily readable format o Enabling people to easily access relevant knowledge o Enabling people to share the retained knowledge o Enabling people to apply the retained knowledge to improve performance Statistical analysis of data obtained from 84 respondents confirmed that information systems practitioners can also benefit from applying the principles to their system development methods.421404 bytesapplication/pdfenSystem MethodologyKnowledge ManagementImproving System Development Methods by Incorporating the Principles of Knowledge ManagementThesis