Gordon, A.2018-02-282018-02-282016https://hdl.handle.net/10539/24072Architecture can achieve meaningful value through the appropriate design of connec on to physical contexts. This paper a empts to put into working perspec ve: the value of a contextual connec on, how these connec ons can be designed and the tensions that exists in the task of connec ng architecture to context by examining how one can mediate these tensions and ,in doing so , create meaningful architecture. This is done through the review of current literature which relates to thresholds, edges, entrances, people and environments, personal observa ons on the subject and a study of exis ng precedents which show exemplary connec on with physical contexts. By priori zing well executed connec ons ,and indeed dis-connec ons, to context that appropriately mediate any tensions that might arise, a building can add meaningful value to any environment. Considered connec ons and disconnec ons between space, people, and environment will contribute in the crucial crea on and preserva on of place and community, crea ng Architecture which best meets the requirements of Its users and enriches our environments. This paper will table a theore cal discourse, and an example of an architectural design which is driven by the recommenda ons made by the discourse. The architectural design will be a produc on, exhibi on and learning facility for metallic cra s . Drawing a parallel between the tle of connec ons and the connec ve process of cra smanship. The facili es design uses contextual connec ons to add value and enrich the users experience of the building . The Facility will be sited on old railway sidings in Newtown Johannesburg, a site with appropriate current and historical connec ons to: it’s surrounding contextual culture, its surrounding urban fabric and the industrial, ar s c and educa onal nature of the designs programme.en[Connection/Disconnection]Thesis