Stead, Christopher2013-03-202013-03-202013-03-20 of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities, School of Arts, 2012Traditional narrative as it is known, is linear such as with books and film. Over the last two or three decades narrative has changed to become something different. Stories are no longer linear and no longer presented as a passive activity. With the invention of digital narrative they have become interactive and allow for participation on the part of the viewer. The Cyberdrama is something more than this concept of interactive narrative. It is a contemplative participation that is reliant on the relationships that exist between the author, viewer and the medium through which it is represented. This paper is a look into Janet Murray's original theory of the Cyberdrama and its emergence in contemporary digital games. This will be done through a critical analysis of the game Heavy Rain (2010) in order to show how it exemplifies Murray's theory.enA critical analysis of the game Heavy Rain as a successful representation of the contemporary cyberdramaThesis