Christodoulou, George Nick2011-03-282011-03-282011-03-28 - WBSThis study focused on real option valuation (ROV) as a complementary method to the popular income-capitalization method (ICM) when valuing retail properties in South Africa. The ICM may be approached in two ways viz. the direct capitalization method (DCM) and the discounted cash-flow (DCF) approach. In South Africa the former is primarily employed to determine the ‘fair-value’ of a retail property. A combination of the two approaches yields the most accurate valuation but requires a higher dependency on input variables. Retail centre transactions qualified as suitable case studies if they allowed for additional ‘bulk’ to be developed (option to expand) and the purchaser paid a premium above a calculated theoretical ‘fair value’. A ROV framework based on the binomial (financial) option pricing model was developed to value the expansion option for each case study. The value of this real option accounts for any premium paid over-and-above the theoretical ‘fair-value’. In all four case studies the premium paid was captured by the ROV framework, albeit at differing holding-periods. Although the result is not statistically significant it bestows credibility on ROV as a complementary tool to the ICM. In summary, ROV quantified the ‘gut-feel’ or intuition-based motives by investors when paying premiums for expandable retail properties in South Africa.enRetail propertiesReal option valuationReal option valuation of retail properties in South AfricaThesis