de Klerk, NickEssa, Nabeelle Roux, HannahSalemi, LuigiCox, RyanEsteves, Ana Maria2014-01-172014-01-172013-11de Klerk,N; Essa,N; le Roux,H; et al. 2013. Paulo Jorge Guerreiro Esteves (1974–2013). Architecture SA. 2013:Nov/Dec p 7-8http://hdl.handle.net10539/13514Obituary: PAULO JORGE GUERREIRO ESTEVESPaulo Esteves, who died unexpectedly of an asthma-related condition at the age of 39 at his home in July, was an architect who maintained a deep intellectual engagement with his practice. Prolific, he produced a vast number of residential projects and nature reserve lodges across South Africa in the brief 15 years that he was active. He studied at the University of Witwatersrand, graduating in 1999. Following graduation, he worked at Mashabane Rose Associates on the Apartheid Museum and at Paragon Architects, before setting up his own practice, Parallax Design Laboratory, in 2002. Throughout this period he was also a gifted pianist and baritone, which proved influential in his career as an architect.enPAULO JORGE GUERREIRO ESTEVESPAULO JORGE GUERREIRO ESTEVES (1974–2013)Article