Watson, V2015-01-082015-01-0819930078-8554http://hdl.handle.net/10539/16248The faunal analysis of a Plio-pleistocene site near Broederstroom, 34km north west of Pretoria, in the Transvaal has revealed a fossil fauna possibly as old as 2 million years. A single Homo sapiens tooth probably more recent than the rest of the deposit was recovered. Twenty seven mammal taxa were recovered with Redunca arundinum, the reedbuck, being the most common and the fossil klipspringer Oreotragus major the next most common. A large metridiochaerine suid was well represented. Primate remains were remarkable by their absence. From damage to the bones the most likely collecting agent was leopard. The fauna suggests a hilly grassy environment with permanent water and rocky outcrops. Open grass plains must have been in relatively close vicinity of the dolomite cave.enPlio-Pleistocene siteTransvaal South AfricaFossil faunaGlimpses from Gondolin: a faunal analysis of a fossil site near Broederstroom, Transvaal, South AfricaArticle