Tissink, Henrick2016-10-252016-10-252016Tissink, Henrick (2016) A survey of three combinatorial problems, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, <http://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/121284>http://hdl.handle.net/10539/21284A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg, 2015.This dissertation is based on three di erent combinatorial papers: 1. The rst paper is by Silvia Heubach and Tou k Mansour: Enumeration of 3-Letter Patterns in Compositions. Combinatorial Number Theory in Celebration of the 70-th Birthday of Ronald Graham. In: De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics. 243-264, (2007). 2. The second paper is by Daniel J. Velleman and Gregory S. Warrington: What to expect in a game of memory. American Mathematical Monthly, 120:787-805 (2013). 3. The third paper is by Mireille Bousquet-M elou and Richard Brak: Exactly Solved Models of Polyominoes and Polygons. Polygons, Polyominoes and Polycubes. In: Lecture Notes in Physics, 775:43-78, (2009).Online resource (138 leaves)enCombinatorial analysisA survey of three combinatorial problemsThesis