Lombard, Marilie2017-04-052017-04-052016http://hdl.handle.net/10539/22305A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment for the degree of MSc Biokinetics Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, School of Therapeutic Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand. Johannesburg, South AfricaBackground: In South Africa, little is known about postural defects, obesity prevalence and Physical Activity (PA) levels of children. The aim of this study was to determine both the prevalence of, as well as the associations between poor posture, obesity and PA in children aged 10 – 13 years. Methods: Body Mass Index, posture and PA were measured in 16 girls and 13 boys (n=29). Physical activity was measured using the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children and posture was measured using New York Posture Test. Pearson’s correlation co-efficient was used to determine the correlation between PA, obesity and poor posture. Results: 90% of participants in this study met PA guidelines, whereas 10% were found to be obese and 7% overweight. 93% presented with some form of postural deviation. Results showed a moderate significant negative correlation between posture and BMI (r = -0.485; p = 0.008). Conclusions: Parents, caregivers, educators and health professionals need to help increase awareness and implement strategies that focus on preventing the development of poor postural habits and obesity in children.enRelationship between posture, obesity and physical activity levels in children aged 10-13Thesis