Coutinho, Neil Karamagi2024-08-052024-08-052022Coutinho, Neil Karamagi. (2022). Extent of Large-Scale Agile Transformation within Momentum Investments Software Delivery Teams [Master’s dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg]. WireDSpace. research report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Wits Business School, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022Large-scale Agile transformations expand on Agile principles of flexible, speedy, incremental and iterative development by applying these principles on an enterprise level framework. Momentum Investments has been on a multi-year Agile transformation process within its software delivery teams implemented with Scaled Agile Framework for Enterprise (SAFeÒ) as their large-scale Agile framework of choice. For Momentum Investments, it therefore becomes imperative to take stock as to what degree its multiple software delivery teams have benefited from this process. Specifically, from a software quality and software value standpoint to help define the company’s future strategies. A longitudinal quantitative study was performed on multiple years of team project data collected through Momentum Investments internal project management tool. Key metrics investigated were feature and defect density levels, task resolutions times and task priority. Key findings showed that Momentum Investments has realised benefits in terms of task resolution times as well as a marginal improvement in the overall levels of features and defects resolved. However, concerns regarding improvement and refinement of quality assurance processes, task prioritisation and task metrics completeness were revealed. The findings recommend that Momentums Investments should take a more wholistic refinement and improvement approach to quality assurance and testing practices based on the Agile testing matrix. Additionally, economic views and systems thinking should play a more pivotal role in task prioritisation activities. Furthermore, teams should be more accurate and diligent in better recording task metrics for future analysisen© 2022 University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.AgileSAFeScaled AgileTransformationTeamsSoftware qualitySoftware valueLarge-scaleUCTDSDG-8: Decent work and economic growthExtent of Large-Scale Agile Transformation within Momentum Investments Software Delivery TeamsDissertationUniversity of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg