Kameri-Mbote, PatriciaMuriungi, Muriuki2017-12-142017-12-142017-12-23Kameri-Mbote, P., & Muriungi, M. (2017). Potential contribution of drones to reliability of Kenya’s land information system. The African Journal of Information and Communication (AJIC), 20, 159-169. https://doi.org/10.23962/10539/23500ISSN 2077-7213 (online version)ISSN 2077-7205 (print version)http://hdl.handle.net/10539/23500https://doi.org/10.23962/10539/23500Kenya has sought in recent years to digitise its land information system in order to increase reliability and accessibility, both of which are critical to securing land rights, minimising land disputes, and increasing investment in the sector. This thematic report argues for deployment of drone technology in order to increase the reliability of Kenya’s digital land records.enland information system, land records, surveying, mapping, land rights, land disputes, digitisation, drones, KenyaPotential Contribution of Drones to Reliability of Kenya’s Land Information SystemArticle