Said Antoissi, Said Ali2010-08-192010-08-192010-08-19 This study seeks to explore whether Africa’s strategic partnership with industrial countries in the areas of trade and investment, as envisaged by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), promotes economic development in Africa. This question is triggered by the fact that NEPAD has received mixed attention from the African and the international community. The programme is promoted by the liberal scholars while in the meantime criticized by those belonging to the dependency school of thoughts. NEPAD stems from liberal ideas that trade is a positive sum-game, but its reliance on foreign investment could also create a dependency dilemma for Africa. Nonetheless, the study hypothesizes that the NEPAD strategic trade and investment partnership seems to be a realistic and beneficial project for the development of Africa. In the light of the above, the research seeks to measure trade and investment flows between Africa and the developed world since the inception of NEPAD.enNEPAD's first eight years trade and investment report (2001-2009): successes and failuresThesis