Chandarman, RajeshVan Niekerk, Brett2017-12-232017-12-232017-12-23Chandarman, R., & Van Niekerk, B. (2017). Students’ cybersecurity awareness at a private tertiary educational institution. The African Journal of Information and Communication (AJIC), 20, 133-155. 2077-7213 (online version)ISSN 2077-7205 (print version) attacks have become prevalent and are expected to increase as technology ubiquity increases. Consequently, cybersecurity has emerged as an essential concept in everyday life. Cybersecurity awareness (CSA) is a key defence in the protection of people and systems. The research presented in this article aimed to assess the levels of CSA among students at a private tertiary education institution in South Africa. A questionnaire tested students in terms of four variables: cybersecurity knowledge; self-perception of cybersecurity skills, actual cybersecurity skills and behaviour; and cybersecurity attitudes. The responses revealed several misalignments, including instances of “cognitive dissonance” between variables, which make the students potentially vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The findings demonstrate the need for targeted CSA campaigns that address the specific weaknesses of particular populations of users.enStudents’ Cybersecurity Awareness at a Private Tertiary Educational InstitutionArticle