Watt-Pringle, Susan Mary2019-03-072019-03-071997https://hdl.handle.net/10539/26519A RESEARCH REPORT PRESENTED TO: THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WiTWATERSRAND BUSINESS SCHOOL. IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MASTERS OF MANAGEMENT DEGREE IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND.This study attempts to establish what bank treasury dealers are measured and rewarded on in general, and more specifically whether customer orientation factors are included as criteria of measurement and reward in the performance management process, Furthermore, this study attempts to establish the !evel of customer orientation in bank treasuries by utilising the Narver and Slater Marketing Orientation Scale (1990) and then makes a comparison between that level and the degree to which it is managed by the pertormance management process in terms of both recognition and reward. To achieve this, a study was undertaken in two commercial banks and one merchant bank with a sample size of 70. A trIangulated study was undertaken with the initial qualitative phase consisting of pilot interviews with three senior treasury managers, one from each bank, as well as an independent treasury consultant. Thereafter the quantitative study was undertaken utilising questionnaires distributed to each bank. The median, range and mean were utilised to determine whether or not customer orientation is included as a criteria of firstly, measurement and secondly reward in the performance management process. Thereafter, the ANOVA technique was used to determine the significance of the differences in the means. Sheffe's test of Multiple Palrwise Comparison of Means was then used to determine which means were different. The Spearman rank-order correlation was used to analyse the relationship between the level of customer orientation as per the Narver and Slater Market Orientation Scale (1990), against firstly what the respondents are measured on in their performance management process and secondly, what they are rewarded on. The findings generally indicate that some (but not all) of the customer orientation factors, are included in the performance rnanaqement process in South African bank treasuries to varying degrees.enBank employees -- South Africa.Employees -- Rating of -- South Africa.Banks and banking -- Customer services -- South Africa -- Evaluation.Performance technology -- South Africa.The performance management of customer orientation in bank treasuries.Thesis