National Building Research Institute: South African Council for Scientific & Industrial Research Pretoria2012-01-182012-01-182012-01-18 Non-European House with 3 rooms, bath & kitchen/dining: Plan sections & elevations. (562 sq.ft.) 2. Non-European House with 3 rooms, bath & kitchen/dining: Plan sections & elevations. (580 sq. ft.) 3. Non-European House with 3 rooms, bath & kitchen/dining: Plan sections & elevations (573 sq.ft.) No's 1-3 drawings: 505X700.National Building Research Institute: South African Council for Scientific & Industrial Research Pretoria. Non-European Housing. 1951-1952. 1. Non-European House with 3 rooms, bath & kitchen/dining: Plan sections & elevations. (562 sq.ft.) 2. Non-European House with 3 rooms, bath & kitchen/dining: Plan sections & elevations. (580 sq. ft.) 3. Non-European House with 3 rooms, bath & kitchen/dining: Plan sections & elevations (573 sq.ft.) No's 1-3 drawings: 505X700.enNational Building Research Institute: South African Council for Scientific & Industrial Research Pretoria. Non-European Housing. 1951-1952.National Building Research Institute: South African Council for Scientific & Industrial Research Pretoria. Non-European Housing. 1951-1952.Plan or blueprint