Helmstedt, Janet Margaret2015-06-242015-06-242015-06-24http://hdl.handle.net/10539/18010A Dissertation Submitted of the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of ScienceLet 4 be the class of pairs of loc ..My onvex spaces (X,V) “h ‘ch are such that every closed graph linear ,pp, 1 from X into V is continuous. It B is any class of locally . ivex l.ausdortf spaces. let & w . (X . (X.Y) e 4 for ,11 Y E B). " ‘his expository dissertation, * (B) is investigated, firstly i r arbitrary B . secondly when B is the class of C,-complete paces and thirdly whon B is a class of locally convex webbed s- .cesenVector spacesLinear topological spacesClosed graph theorems for locally convex topological vector spacesThesis