Adler, Jillian Beryl2016-08-192016-08-192016 is a study of secondary mathematics teachers' knowledge of the dynamics of learning and teaching mathematics in multilingual classrooms in South Africa. It probes teachers' articulated and tacit knowledge through a qualitative methodology that includes In-depth interviews, classroom observations, and reflective workshops. The sample is purposive and theoretical, comprising SIX teachers drawn from three different multilingual school contexts. Categories of description and analytic narrative vignettes enable a qualitative, layered analysis of what the teachers said and how they acted.enMathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary)--South AfricaMathematics teachers--Training of--South AfricaEducation, Bilingual--South AfricaMultilingualism--South AfricaSecondary school teachers' knowledge of the dynamics of teaching and learning mathematics in multilingual classroomsThesis