Powell, Michael-Philip2007-03-012007-03-012007-03-01http://hdl.handle.net/10539/2186Student Number : 0006936H - MSc research report - School of Electrical and Information Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built EnvironmentCode division duplexing (CDD) has steadily garnered attention in the telecommunication community. In this project report we propose a physical layer implementation of CDD that utilizes orthogonal Gold codes as the means of differentiating transmission directions, in order to implement an ad-hoc networking infrastructure that is overlaid on a standard mobile networking topology, and hence creating a hybrid networking topology. The performance of the CDD based system is then comparatively assessed in two ways: from the perspective of the physical layer using point-to-point simulations and from the perspective of the network layer using an iterative snapshot based simulation where node elements are able to setup connections based on predefined rules.1742447 bytesapplication/pdfenCDMAhybrid topologymobile networksCDDad-hoc networksPerformance analysis of a hybrid topology CDD/TDD-CDMA network architectureThesis