Mbawu, Mulalo2008-05-302008-05-302008-05-30 This study is a combination of the qualitative and quantitative approach using an exploratory/descriptive design conducted at the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, Northern Region. The study explored how Line Managers at Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality perceive the impact of stress and trauma on work performance among employees. The study was conducted with 29 line managers sampled through a random sampling procedure, who had been working for Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality for at least three years. A questionnaire was used to collect the required data. The study found that line managers at Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality were of the view that stress and trauma can affect work performance among employees. It was also found that line managers are uninvolved in their sub-ordinates’ personal matters that are likely to cause mental health problems like stress and trauma.10834 bytesapplication/pdfenLine managersJob stressWork performancetraumaPerceptions of line managers at Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipaity regarding the impact of stress and trauma on work performance among employees.Thesis