Coetzee, Irma2011-03-302011-03-302011-03-30 - WBSThis study examines the role of the board of directors of companies in various industries in South Africa with regard to the future strategy of the organisation. Specifically in the backdrop of an environment where there is increased focus on the internal controls within organisations due to the guidelines around effective corporate governance, the goal was to ascertain whether the board still focuses on the future value of the organisation. One of the propositions tested as part of this research states that the board is in fact only focused on internal controls and does not provide sufficient input to the strategic thinking process about the future direction of the organisation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with directors of companies in order to establish the role that the board fulfils in that company and whether there is a balance between creating value on the one hand and mere compliance on the other. Content analysis was performed on the transcribed interviews. Due to the fact that convenience sampling method was used, there were more executive directors on the list than non-executive directors. The findings were interesting and shed light on the actual role that the boards are playing in large public companies in South Africa. An interesting finding was the fact that there was such a large difference in the involvement of executive directors as opposed to non-executive directors and that the executive directors generally seemed to discount the value that the nonexecutive directors contribute to board decisions, providing a topic for interesting further research. It was generally found that the propositions that formed the basis of this research held true in the cases that were reviewed. In South Africa the executive directors tend to act autonomously in the directing and controlling of the companies in which they operate, with mere ratification from the full board of directors and insufficient involvement from the non-executives in the strategic thinking process. The strategic scorecard that was developed by CIMA is a useful tool that should be used by companies’ boards in order to ensure that they spend sufficient time focusing on the strategy and the future direction of the organisation. The scorecard covers all aspects of strategy at the appropriate level of involvement that is required from the board to ensure that they monitor and oversee the strategy development and implementation processes effectively.enBoards of directorsCorporate governanceThe trade-off between compliance and value inThesis