RICHARDS, RobinTAYLOR, Sue2013-02-042013-02-042012-08RICHARDS, Robin and TAYLOR, Sue9780992177584 study was undertaken after funding was received under a call for short-term consultancies to investigate a range of topics related to urban spatial transformation. the call was issued by the school of Architecture and Planning of the University of witwatersrand under the nRF sARcHi initiative. this study investigates peri-urban food gardens and the role that food gardening plays in orange Farm in addressing poverty and in improving food security. the study specifi cally looks at the effects of available open space on urban agriculture and food gardening in orange Farm. It was hypothesised at the outset of the study that, being located on the peri-urban periphery of the city, orange Farm is not yet densely populated or short of land for food gardening to be excluded as a livelihood option. this abundance of open land could, therefore, become an asset in an agriculturally-based strategy to target poverty in this priority region of the city.enOrange Farm Johannesburg, urban spatial transformation, peri-urban food gardens, improving food security, poverty, marginalised areaCHANGING LAND USE ON THE PERIPHERY; a case study of urban agriculture and food gardening in Orange FarmBook