Burgener, Andrea2017-01-302017-01-302017-01-30http://hdl.handle.net/10539/21785A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts. University of the Witwatersrand. Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Master 0f Arts in Fine Arts. Johannesburg 1996,Painting as a practice has been probk-matlsed in postmodern discourse in many ways. Neo-expressionism painting has been seen by certain Inf'luental critics as standing for a particularly regressive form of painting. These critics argue- that Neo-expressionism painting perpetuates dominant (mascullnlst) values. This dissertation examines how these critiques of Neo-expressionisrn might open up a space for a re-arttculatlon of painting. More specifically, it proposes that painting may hp re-InscrIbed with critical potential. This re-Inscr-iption is proposed as operating by way of the adoption of cer-taln formal and conceptual strategies, these being parody, metonymy and readvrnades. Whilst these strategies have wider relevance in contemporary debates many of which emanate from critiques of Neo-expressionism - they are of also of primary importance to a re-artlculatlon of painting within my own practice.enCritical possibilities for painting after neo-expressionismThesis