Mendrez, Christiane Helene2014-12-192014-12-1919740078-8554 morphology of the skull of Promoschorhynchus platyrhinus (Moschorhinidae) from the Daptocephalus-zone (Upper Permian) of South Africa) is described with special reference to the palate and posterior part of the skull. Promoschorhynchus is compared with Moschorhinus and considered to be a vaild genus mainly differing from Moschorhinus in retaining a longer snout, and in possessing a more primitive morphology of the palatal plates of the premaxillae and vomers. Promoschorhynchus also differs from Moschorhinus in having developed a sharp crista choanalis and a fairly broad epipterygoid. The composition of the South African Moschorhinidae is briefly discussed and is considered temporarily as consisting of five genera: M oJchorhinUJ (.1 = TigriJuchuJ). CerdoPJ, PromoJchorhynchUJ and Hewittia. TigriJuchUJ and MOJchorhinuJ are probably synonyms.enA NEW SPECIMEN OF PROMOSCHORHYNCHUS PLATYRHINUS BRINK 1954 (MOSCHORHINIDAE) FROM THE DAPTOCEPHALUS-ZONE (UPPER PERMIAN) OF SOUTH AFRICAArticle