Agnew, John David2014-12-222014-12-221959-07-01None0078-8554 skull structure of Dicynodon grimbeeki has been studied by means of serial sections. It was found that D. grimbeeki is akinetic and that, although several mammal-like characteristics are present, Dicynodon occupies a specialized side-branch of therapsid evolution- a view which has been advocated by many authors. The sphenethmoid region in anomodonts is discussed, and it is concluded that the basicranial axis in Dicynodon is comparable with that of mammals.enCranial; kinesis; sphenethmoid; DicynodonCranio-osteologlcal studies in Dicynodon grimbeeki with special reference to the sphenethmoid region and cranial kinesisArticle