Makuapane, Lerato Patricia2020-11-052020-11-052018 RESEARCH IS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF MASTERS OF ARTS IN HEALTH DEMOGRAPHY AT UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURGOver the last two decades, AIDS mortality rates has decreased substantially due to extensive HIV treatment in South Africa, which left HIV as a chronic illness. Therefore, since the disease nature of HIV predisposes patients to other clinical conditions; many HIV patients also suffers from other AIDS-related and non-AIDS diseases resulting in comorbidities. It is most prevalent among population aged 14-35 years. At the same time, NCDs are rapidly increasing among youth with hypertension being amongst the leading cause of HIV comorbidities. High prevalence of both HIV/ AIDS and hypertension in this cohort rise a concern of their simultaneous occurrence to develop HIV-hypertension comorbidity. (Abbreviation abstract)enHIV-AIDSHIV-hypertension comorbidity.The prevalence and predictors of HIV-hypertension comorbidity among youth living with HIV in South Africa, 2010-2016Thesis