Thram, Diane2010-12-152010-12-152010-12-15 order to give you a glimpse of the International Library of African Music (ILAM), its origin, and how it exists today, a DVD that briefly tells the story has been uploaded to the Internet for readers to view. In addition to information about Hugh Tracey, the founder of ILAM, and our collections, you will see performances in ILAM’s small outdoor amphitheatre. These are, first, Venda Tshikona reed pipe dancing; then a Chopi timbila orchestra from Mozambique; performance of amadinda xylophone music from Uganda; Shona mibra music; and, finally, some Pedi Dinaka reed pipe dancing. I hope this video will give you a clearer idea of Hugh Tracey's legacy for African music. To access the ILAM DVD, go to, conference, digital library, archive, Africa, digitization, heritage, reproduction, repatriationAfter Digitisation, What Next? Suggested Guidelines for the Sale, Reproduction and Repatriation of Digital DeritagePresentation