Okoba, Luke Kweya2010-04-162010-04-162010-04-16http://hdl.handle.net/10539/8004Abstract Yoweri Museveni’s tenure has been marked by a steady supply of aid in the form of budget support that covers almost half the national budget every year. The thesis argues that this form of aid with its predictable and reliable nature, combined with the free hand with which it gives the recipient country in making and implementing the budget makes it possible for the country’s elite to steal from public coffers. This loot is later used to fund Museveni’s further stay in office beyond the acceptable two term limit thus dealing a big blow to democracy in the country. For the country to democratise, the thesis recommends that budget support be drastically reduced, closely monitored or aid to come in a different form such as project support which is more transparent.enThe role of budget support in the stalling of democracy in UgandaThesis