Mookeletsi, Didintle2021-05-282021-05-282018 thesis submitted to the faculty of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Film and Television studiesThe aim of my research paper is to investigate the portrayal of albinos and albinism through visual culture in the South African context. The research examines the different forms of representation associated with this frequently marginalised group of people. It will also explore the relationship between these representations and real-lived concerns regarding albinism, conveyed through visual mediums of photography and film. 'Difference and otherness', 'stereotyping' 'abject', 'freakery' and 'fetishism' are the specific theories of representation that contribute centrally to the theorizing of this research. They are concepts that are frequently used to define and describe people living with albinism. In the pursuit to further understand albinism, a creative short film titled Beyond Our Complexion is a part of the complementary research component. (Abbreviation abstract)enAlbinismVisual CultureAlbinosBeyond our complexion: Albinism in visual cultureThesis