Ngubane, Samukelo2013-10-102013-10-102013-10-10 (P&DM) thesisWhile there has been progress in promoting integrated development planning at local government level since 2000, it appears that little has been achieved in using the IDP as a strategic tool to enhance performance and outcomes in some municipalities. Drawing on this assumption, the study sought to establish whether the Mbombela municipality utilizes the IDP to ensure effective decision-making in prioritization of development objectives; allocation of resources, enhancement of performance, and outcomes. Based on the qualitative approach, data was collected using interviews and document analysis. Overall, the findings of the study confirmed the use of the IDP as a strategic planning tool in the municipality; although gaps remained in areas such as prioritization mechanisms, community participation and performance management. The study recommended that prioritization mechanisms be reviewed to ensure compatibility with community needs and that performance management systems be strengthened to ensure accountability and better service delivery in Mbombela Municipality.enIntegrated development planningLocal authoritiesLocal governmentMunicipalitiesINVESTIGATING THE IDP AS A STRATEGIC TOOL IN MEETING THE DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN MBOMBELA MUNICIPALITYThesis