Ravhura, Muofhe2021-04-222021-04-222020Ravhura, Muofhe (2020) Assessing climate change adaptation measures in rural areas: a case study of Matangari Village, Thulamela Local District, Limpopo Province, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, <http://hdl.handle.net/10539/30938>https://hdl.handle.net/10539/30938A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science, 2020There exist a considerable body of literature on climate change and these studies have indicated the sensitivity of natural resources (water and land) to climate change. Regardless of several studies on climate change impacts, there has been insufficient work on climate change adaptation, perspectives and impacts with a focus on young adults from rural areas. These young adults perspectives should be included in climate change adaptation initiatives in order to establish sustainable strategies to cope with the changes. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of climate change on rural young adults and their household within the Thulamela Local Municipality (TLM) of Matangari Village in Limpopo Province, South Africa and review their climate change knowledge. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to understand the perspective and knowledge of these young adults about climate change, to investigate how climate change affects their lives and livelihoods, and to assess the barriers and opportunities they face in implementing adaptation strategies to cope with climate change. Quantitative methods indicated that out of the 40-household surveyed, 10 % indicated to have more knowledge about climate change, while 55% indicated to only have heard about it during the survey .However, 98% reported witnessing extreme climate changes. Focused groups discussions with young adults indicated that 22% of the male participants had knowledge about climate change whilst only 11% of the female had knowledge about climate change. The study established that loss of income in households due to climate change directly and indirectly affected the lives of the young adults at Matangari Village. Households that depended on agriculture have abandoned farming activities due to low crop yields and loss of income. The loss of income in households has created financial pressure for the young adults to provide and support their families financially. The study also found that climate change puts more pressure on the existing conditions in the households. Key impact findings include disruption of schooling, unemployment and increasing food insecurity (Table 10). Additionally, the young adults are implementing coping strategies such as migrating to cities, changing diets, changing work routines and finding alternatives incomes (Table 11). It was concluded that the young adults of Matangari village are aware of the changes in the climate and their understanding of the causes of climate change are different and are influenced by various elements; level of education, gender and household background. Young adults are all worried about climate change, particularly its implications for their future but they their level of urgency and preparedness is lowOnline resource (104 pages)enClimatic changes-South AfricaSustainable development-South AfricaAssessing climate change adaptation measures in rural areas: a case study of Matangari Village, Thulamela Local District, Limpopo ProvinceThesis