Bonthuys, Elsje2018-12-102018-12-102015Elsje Bonthuys, Developing the Common Law of Breach of Promise and Universal Partnerships: Rights to Property Sharing for All Cohabitants, 132 S. African L.J. 76 (2015)00382388 Constitutional Court's 2005 judgment in Volks NO v Robinson' has been widely regarded as a setback for the extension of legal rights to opposite-sex cohabitants. The majority of the court held that an unmarried opposite-sex cohabitant is not a spouse under the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act 27 of 1990.2 According to Smith, this judgment 'effectively put paid to the judicial extension of matrimonial law to unmarried opposite-sex cohabiting life partners'enCohabitantsCommon LawUniversal partnershipsLife partnershipProperty sharingBreach of promiseEngagementsOpposite-sexSDG-10: Reduced inequalitiesDeveloping the common law of breach of promise and universal partnerships: rights to property sharing for all cohabitantsArticle