Ditshego, Josiah Sello.2014-10-102014-10-102014-10-10http://hdl.handle.net/10539/15677MM 2014ABSTRACT During the past years Integrated Quality Management System policy was implemented to address the problem of Underperformance in Tshwane West District of Gauteng Province. However in the year 2009 Tshwane West District experienced underperformance in some of its secondary schools despite the implementation of IQMS policy. The purpose of the research was to explore the role of IQMS in underperforming secondary schools in Tshwane West District. The study focussed on Quality Management Systems, Performance Management and Organisational Health. Qualitative research methodology was used to conduct the study. The study discovered that some underperforming secondary schools in Tshwane West District did not implement the policy of IQMS correctly due to lack of resources, quality management systems and organisational health that resulted in the leadership that could not establish and maintain a culture of learning and teaching in their schools.enTotal quality management in education, Educational evaluation, School management and organization.Integrated Quality Management System in underperforming secondary schools in Tshwane West district.Thesis