Gwyn, Rhiannon2006-02-142006-02-142006-02-14 of Science - ScienceThe giant graviton part of the AdS/CFT dictionary is expanded from consideration of N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory with U(N) gauge group to the case of an SU(N) gauge group. Candidate duals to giant gravitons for the U(N) case were found by Corley, Jevicki and Ramgoolam [4] to be Schur polynomials of the Lie algebra. In this dissertation, computational generalisation of the U(N) result is achieved, and a set of linearly independent operators in one-to-one correspondence with the half-BPS representations of the SU(N) gauge theory given. These tools allow the rst elucidation of bulk and boundary degrees of freedom via the dual eld theory, exploiting the usefulness of giant gravitons as probes of the geometry.592057 bytesapplication/pdfenfield theoryquantumgravityStudies in the field theory - quantum gravity correspondenceThesis