Oztabak, Ali Kemal2018-02-142018-02-142017Oztabak, Ali Kemal (2017) Trade patterns and strategies of South Africa and Turkey, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, <https://hdl.handle.net/10539/23925>https://hdl.handle.net/10539/23925A research report submitted to graduate School of Social Sciences of University of the Witwatersrand in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master International Relations in Department of International Relations University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg February 2017Manufacturing and International trade are key concept between advanced and developing countries for growth. However, developing countries on the path of industrialization are perceived to have a gloomy future regarding their trade patterns and strategies because these countries are schizophrenic about the liberalization of the trade policy to protect their industry. The purpose of this research report is to analyze this fogginess on the path of newly industrialized countries by observing the similarities and differences between Turkey and South Africa export patterns and strategies. The study covers South African and Turkey export conducted only in 2015. Both countries’ patterns and strategies are analyzed with data based descriptive statistic embodied by the author. We use various indexes from the literature and develop some original indexes as our own contributions. We classified the export commodities based on: (1) Natural Resource, (2) Low-Tech Manufacturing, (3) High-Tech Manufacturing.Online resource (71 leaves)enInternational tradeSouth Africa--Commercial policyTurkey--Commercial policySouth Africa--Foreign economic relationsTurkey--Foreign economic relationsTrade patterns and strategies of South Africa and TurkeyThesis