Kara, Sarika2011-09-202011-09-202011-09-20http://hdl.handle.net/10539/10435The aim of the study was to analyse the ratings regarding the leadership performance of participants of a particular 360-degree feedback questionnaire using an ex post facto design. The sample consisted of 2 788 self-raters, 7 710 colleagues, 2 938 managers, and 8 426 subordinates. Results from the analyses calculated showed the degree of consistency to vary between the different groups of raters with self-ratings being significantly lower than other groups’ ratings. The results of the current study further revealed that differences observed were due to individual differences and not due to the type of rater group the rater belongs to. Results indicated no clear pattern or grouping to isolate specific areas of consistency within the particular questionnaire or its subscales. Validation exercises showed that the current structure of the 360-degree feedback questionnaire (Leadership 3) is adequate with recommendations of improvement provided.enConsistency between raters in a 360-degree leadership feedback instrument.Thesis