Hirson, Brett Sean2015-05-262015-05-262015-05-26http://hdl.handle.net/10539/17873Education in South Africa is experiencing challenges of interest in its learners towards science and mathematics within the primary and secondary phases of learning. The result of this failed interest is represented by the amount of scarce skills present in the technology, ICT and engineering sectors, resulting in a lack of research and development of current and future technologies. The solution to this problem is to create a lateral approach through learners’ interests by using performance media as a medium of instruction. This intervention is established as part of the University of the Witwatersrand where it will serve as a crucible of research, exploration and education of science and technology through cross-faculty co-operation. Using the University’s vast academic and educational resources, this intervention will become a staging ground for new scientific and technological development conveyed through a variety of performance mediums which will be presented to learners, students and the general public. Situated adjacent to the Parktown Education Campus, this facility is the beginning of planned expansion by the University linking its various campuses through Braamfontein civic district. The site has an important historical and heritage association with Johannesburg - through its heritage landmarks - and by its use through the National Children’s Theatre. Whilst this has been a site for performance art over the last two decades, the expansion and integration of this building will continue this legacy into the future through the exploration of new and dynamic performance mediums.enCity planningSouth AfricaArchitecture and technologyCities and townsTechnological innovationsScience [non] fiction: science education through the performing artsThesis