Gallagher, Felicity Vanessa2012-07-122012-07-122012-07-12 this research report I address the question: Is it ever morally justified to cull elephants? And, if it is, what criteria need to be fulfilled for a cull to be morally justifiable? In answering the first part of the question, ‘Is it ever morally correct to cull elephants?’ I defend the claim that the killing of elephants is a pro tanto wrong. The second part of the question, ‘What criteria need to be fulfilled for a cull to be morally justifiable?’, directs my attention to identifying conditions under which the pro tanto wrong of killing elephants could be outweighed by other moral considerations. I identify and critically discuss these criteria, developing what I call a ‘Theory of a Just Cull’. Finally, I apply my Theory to the current situation in South Africa, and argue that it is not possible to ethically justify elephant culling in South Africa in the current circumstances.enElephant over-populationCullingElephant over-population : towards a theory of a just cull.Thesis