Bester, Rory Mclachlan2016-07-202016-07-202016-07-20 dissertatlon submitted to the Faculty of Arts. University of the Witwatersrand. Johannesburq, 111 fulfilmel1t of the Degree of Master at Arts. Johannesburq. 1997A burqeornnq academic mterest 111IllISSICHl photcqraphy has L~Hnprdted a tairlv small body of literature til at often perpetuates stereotypes and drchotomies about tile photoqraphrc colonisation of Africa by nnssionanes Wltilin this literature. little, If any, considerauon has been niven to the 1l1lSSInn photoqraphs camoui'aqed by inadequate inventoues In South African archives This dissertation. It1 attempting to account for a 'history' of Church of the Provrrce of SOUUl Africa (henceforth CPSA) mission photoqraphy In southern Africa. IS all exploration of the role of <uch photoqraphv In the demarcation at colonial spaces and the rnscnptron of colonial Identities. Theoretical discourses of space and identity ..He not only useful to the fra'11lng of CPSA mssion photography withlfl the visual discourses and ideologicdl practices of colonialism, but me also valuable to an exploration of the vanous uses and practices of photography within rrussron space, tile role of photog raphy In the stabilisation of space and rrussionaries' attempts to Inscribe both self-identrtv and the Identity of other peoplesenInsecure shadows CPSA mission photographs from Southern Africa c.1895-1945Thesis