Blackmore, Andrew Craig2016-08-052016-08-052016-08-05 thesis submi.tted to the Faculty of Science, University of the witwatersrand, Johannesburg I in the fulfillmen,,;"o:f' 't\ :he requirements of the Degree of Magister Scienta~. June 1992The present study was undertaken; withirl the South African " savannas, to provide "insight into a j;unctional classification of aavanna plants using ecophY$iologiLcal charact~:t's.THe pri.mary r.:>bjective of this study Was to investigate the vari.ation of these tt'aits throughout: the savanna, aridto relate this variation to plant moisture and nU~l'ie~~s• !t was conclu.ded that~ 1) no formal or specialized strategies have evolved within a number of the study sites, .2) unlike the woody component I neither divergellce nor convergence was demonstrated within the grass layer, c' 3) plant aVailable nutrients did not appear to be a major determinant of either component. Although plant available moistur~ proved to be unimportant in the woody layer, it did playa role as a determinant of the grass layer, and 4) constancy of the plant traits was not demonstrated to \": OCCllr over the gr~~ing season. A succeisf',\lclassification' would require the components to be separat~pl specific determinan.ts be identified for each component, and an element of time be included into both edaphic and biotic measurements.enSavanna ecology--South Africa--Data processingSavanna plants--South AfricaEcophysiologyPlant ecophysiology--Data processingPlant communities--South Africa--Data processingThe variation of ecophysiological trains of Savanna plants, in relation to indices of plant available moisture and nutrientsThesis