Lu Ke, Ke Lu2020-01-302020-01-302019Lu, ke (2019) Promoting urban social integration through urban design intervention in cyrildene, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, <> research report is submitted to the faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand,In Partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Urban Design Johannesburg 2019This research proposal discusses urban structure, ethnic group segregation, space-making, crime prevention and, the use of urban design intervention to solve social and spatial issues and promote sustainable and integrated urban communities in the Cyrildene area of Johannesburg. From the review I hope to understand the characteristics of homogeneous communities and the reasons that homogeneous communities isolate themselves, which, from the preservation of Ethnic Minorities' Culture’s angle, is to encourage the identification of the ethnicity’s unique characteristics. This research proposal also explores the relationship between space and neighbourhoods, and the value of the convivial space, as well as arguing that economic gain should not be used to determine social policies. The urban landscape space has multiple benefits, it can help to reduce particular types of crime, improve public health, as well as reconnect the urban environment with the eco-system. From reviewing the traditional Chinese urban planning and design history, there are some traditional Chinese urban planning and design principles that could be utilised in today’s cities, and these principles could help to build up urban communities and emphasise the unique culture of the Chinese community. This research proposal analyses, through urban design, the current issues in the Cyrildene area. Urban design could be used as an instrumental tool to solve these urban design-related problems, and at the same time promote the urban communities. Properly designed urban open spaces can help to improve local social relations and job opportunities for the surrounding neighbourhoods. This research proposal develops an example for the ethnic group to show their unique identity through urban design in the environment and at the same time increase tolerance between ethnic groups to promote social integration. From reviewing the literature, restructuring the existing urban structure can improve social and spatial issues as well as build up the neighbourhoods. Furthermore, a high level of local community engagement can lead to the progression of social integration. Social integration, while at the same time strengthening an internal sense of community, is the goal for these urban communities. This research proposal attempts to discover the constraints and opportunities based on the urban design analysis result to generate an urban design concept framework and urban development code.Online resource (130 leaves)enCity planningUrbanizationCities and townsPROMOTING URBAN SOCIAL INTEGRATION THROUGH URBAN DESIGN INTERVENTION IN CYRILDENEThesis