Jefferies, Suzanne Fiona Louise2011-06-222011-06-222011-06-22 - P&DMLanguage, Education and Inclusion: Who’s In and Who’s Out? The South African Language in Education Policy was formulated in response to the inequalities of the Apartheid regime. However, this policy, in respect to mother tongue education, has not yet been implemented. By comparing the Language in Education Policy to the UK‟s National Languages Strategy, this research examines the public policy process, including the intended as well as unintended consequences of policy implementation, the various policy interventions that have been implemented, as well as identifying and sketching the stakeholder environment of these policy interventions. In addition, the research looks at the phenomenon of social inclusion/exclusion, particularly with regard to the relationship between language and education and South Africa University students‟ attitudes to language choices.enLanguageEducationLANGUAGE, EDUCATION AND INCLUSION: WHO‟S IN AND WHO‟S OUT?Thesis