Makekeng, Lebohang2010-07-302010-07-302010-07-30 South Africa's foreign policy, while oscillating from Mbeki's presidency up until embracing the Zuma leadership, will not sideline the principles upon which the African National Congress is premised. The African National Congress conferences in 1997 in Mafikeng, 2002 in Stellenbosch and 2007 in Polokwane, emphasised the fact that South Africa's approach to conflict resolution will be guided by dialogue and engagement. These resolutions paved the way for South Africa to adopt a soft power approach in dealing with the crisis in Zimbabwe. Although this approach was slow in bringing a solution to Zimbabwe's political challenges, it was effective because it afforded Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangarai the opportunity to form a unity government that will see the creation of a stable and legitimate regime.enAnalysing South Africa's foreign policy towards Zimbabwe: 2000-2009Thesis